0.1. Strategic program areas

1.1 Afforestation and environmental education ERP established four hectares Community Based Environmental Demonstration Farm in Maridi County in 2007. Since then ERP has distributed 30,000 first growing trees to the communities in Maridi to prevent dependency on the natural forest which is even speedily being depleted by illegal logging. ERP has several campaigns against environmental abuses involving senior officials and community leaders who attempted to destroy the only natural urban forest planted by concerned citizens of the County over 70 years ago. Other actions included a campaign against unplanned human settlement in and around areas sensitive to a human settlement like water reservoirs which requires comprehensive impact assessment. 1.2. Sustainable livelihoods Food and Income Security as alternative sources of livelihoods for women and youths is imperative in achieving any environmental sustainability campaign. That is why ERP has prioritized to support the communities in developing their food production abilities and provide financial assistance for value chain development. They have been intercropping with fast growing trees which can help them within a possible shot period to start harvesting for firewood and construction. ERP equips the beneficiaries with skills, capital, and materials necessary for enhancing implementation of competencies obtained from the training. 1.3. Peacebuilding, and access to natural resources Poor allocation of natural resources leads to community-based conflicts in South Sudan. Unclear administrative borders have contributed a lot to the continuing conflicts where communities used to hunt, fish and collect honey are no more accessible due to the new regulatory units. Unclear maps and borders lead to competition and flights. Access to agricultural and residential lands are also part of the ongoing conflicts. ERP profiles such conflicts and designs quick interventions for resolving them. Provision of alternative sources of livelihoods helps to reduce conflicts related to beekeeping and fishing. Over 20 similar cases have been resolved apart from the ones solved through campaigns and community education. Our interventions have enabled communities to co-exist with those coming from other states. 1.4. Waste management and recycling: ERP received a one year’s financial support from the French Embassy in South Sudan and established a Recycling Program in Juba. SSBL provided plastic crushers, washing and drying lines, premises and technical staff to support the first ever plastic recycling in South Sudan. Due to the lack of tap water and hot weather in South Sudan, there has been an influx of water companies estimated to be 20 producing up to 1,000,000 (20mt) bottles per day and half of it consumed in Juba. ERP at the currently crushes up to 50,000 plastic bottles a day which is equivalent to 1mt, representing 5% of daily production. In 2013, we formed Six women Cooperatives and six primary schools clubs and many NGO’ s compounds benefited from this program  .2014 -2015  10 Gated homes and compounds, NNGOs helped this initiative by supplying the needed plastics to ERP. 60 permanent women who used to feed on food residues at the dumping site started leading a changed life when they enrolled into the WASTE FOR WEALTH PROJECT, and today they are earning up to 800ssp per month.

0.2. Cross-cutting strategies:

2.1. Capacity building and education The capacity building here involved both soft and hardware capacity building of stakeholder’s holders, beneficiaries, and traditional leaders to sustain the program and own results. ERP has been able to work with the Country Forestry and Agricultural departments, CBOs, women groups, traditional authorities and the local FM Radio to respond to the growing environmental changes with illegal logging. Our capacity building is supporting our thematic programs above. 2.2. Lobby and advocacy ERP works with women, youth and traditional authority’s networks for community mobilization and lobbying against human actions that deplete our environment. The communities respond very well to issues that they understand as putting their lives at risk or the lives of their future generations. We also work with local NGOs, churches, and influential leaders to lobby for changes in local policies. 2.3. Linking, learning and networking We use several learning and education methods to reach and empower our beneficiaries. We link our beneficiaries and partners in South Sudan and the region to share information and see how things are done differently in those communities. Our beneficiaries and partners broaden their understanding and comparison of theory context to the next context. 2.4. Target Beneficiaries: Women, youths, traditional and religious authorities, policy makers, CSOs, and farmers. 2.5. Geographic coverage: Western Equatoria State: In Maridi County, Central Equatoria State: In Juba County. We remain open to expansion dependent on fund availability.